Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Snow Day!

I work for a transit system in the midwest and for the second time in the 18 years (omg that's depressing) that I've worked there, we didn't run service due to weather. So how did I spend my day off? Obviously I did a little shoveling, just enough to get cars in/out of the driveway. There's still a lot of snow to move but we're not snowed in. Most of the day, however, was spent cleaning. For some reason, my unexpected day off motivated me to tackle a couple of projects that I've been meaning to do. In fact, I can check off a few items from the To Do list.

Cleaned the refrigerator - pulled out shelves and washed them.
Cleaned refrigerator coils.
Cleaned under the refrigerator.
Cleaned the microwave.
Cleaned under the stove.
Cleaned the kitchen trash can lid.
Cleaned the intake vent covers in the hallway and living room (as in removed them and washed them.)
Swept the kitchen and bathroom.
Mopped the kitchen and bathroom.
Did laundry.

I probably got more done at home than I would have at work.

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